31 August 2007

3 Good-Byes, 1 Day...

Good-bye Nizo (which means, Good-Bye Lucky Charm... Oh God! This hurts... but I'm waiting your mail!!)
Good-bye Aneta
Good-bye Jerome....

It's enough, I can't remember much more!

Bed time!!!

30 August 2007

Smile! The sun is not shining!

29 August 2007

It's done!

and I got lots of compliments! =) LIFE IS GOOD... BEER ANYONE???

28 August 2007

STRESS?! What's that?

Its all in my mind

The final presentation is set-up. Tomorrow at 3pm! And I'm still making the slides.

I'm freaking out! But it will be ok! I rather prefer to "have a nice conversation about my work" than "give a presentation". It's all in my mind.. only a matter of words, the concept is the same.

My brain is complaining, my neurons are jumping, my head is aching, the slides are waiting....

Tomorrow will be a better day!

27 August 2007


.. is not for me!

26 August 2007


As we say in Portuguese, an idiot is someone with lots of ideas! All of us are idiots, and we have great ideas, such as GO OUTSIDE FOR A BREAK AND HAVE A DRINK! Ok... This was the idea.

And what happened: outside, in the place where we usually go to have breaks (and drink something), I met part of "The Gang", also known as "The Guys"! Of course my break turned into a nice meeting where we shared all the adventures of the last 24 hours, and of course it was the third good-bye to Violeta!

Weel, I just can take one conclusion: me and my friends are idiots in the same way!

Find the differences!

Unavailable to Party...

... but available for dinners, a person have to eat, even when you are warned (by the end of the day) that your friends are setting up a dinner at your place!

I did well, and I didn't go out! Just dinner... and friends... and my kitchen!

25 August 2007

My keyboard...

...read my mind.... At last something that can understand my needs!!

I hate Endnote!!!!!

My endnote crashed! I hate computers! I hate Endnote! I hate hating stuff!

Now what? How is it possible to work? I guess it's time for break.. Shopping and laundry: already done! Room already cleaned! Any suggestions? I'm going to buy a lucky charm that fits in my pocket!

PS - Lucky Charm, it is nothing against you, but you are too big for my pocket ;)

24 August 2007

Plans for the weekend

  • correct my report;
  • make a presentation;
  • sleep;
  • go shopping (my fridge is almost empty);
  • fix the bike;
  • start writing the article;
  • clean the room;
  • do the laundry.
  • party;
  • chat on the msn;
  • enjoy the sun;
  • watch movies;
  • talk with the guys just for fun;
  • waste time cooking.
  • will I survive?
  • can I handle everything?
I'll let you know may be in other post!

It's Friday.. so what??

23 August 2007

Parabéns Zé

or Happy Birthday Jéjito! A quarter of a century... You are so grown up now! Eheheheh And I must say: YOU ARE ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE 30's! LOL

Success SU

Estou a torcer por ti! Remember... DHA POWER! ;)

Beijinhos da Malta

22 August 2007

Good-Bye Violetaaaa

Do you want me to explain? I fell asleep as you can see, yes I was tired! Yes, great Party!

Violeta, we'll miss you! But we'll meet in Bulgaria! =)

Private Beach! =D

.... Comporta Beach at my place!

I'm feeling home! Guess why? My parents sent me sand, shells and sea water (all in an orange envelope, it's sooooooooooooooo nice)! It's true, My Family is the best! I have a piece of each part of MY beach at MY place!


Tem dias

Tem dias em que faz sol, tem dias em que chove, tem dias em que faz vento, e tem dias em que São Pedro faz um cocktail especial para o aniversário do Zé - Pizziiiiiii! E hoje é um desses dias, combinação escolhida: frio, vento e chuva! E sim, é verão na Holanda!


21 August 2007

Be my sunshine ;)

It's raining again... Oh, no it's raining again! I'm fed up of Dutch weather.... I want the sun to shine! Who wants to be my sunshine???

20 August 2007

Dear Lucky Charm...

... I need you by my side all the time! Besides lucky charm, you are my hero!!

Trust me, today when I was almost half way home, I heard a BANG! And guess what! YESSS! You're smart! My bike... to be precise, the back tire exploded! And I had to walk all my way back to the station! Please, don't leave me alone for more than 1 hour! As you see it's dangerous!

The way I'm feeling

19 August 2007

Portuguese Traditions....

Mum, Dad, Sis, everyone... I bit the candle!!

and I got postcards... Not everyone is on the picture, there wasn't enough space!

To: The Guys

Just because I’m a nice girl (closer to the 30’s), this post is for “The Guys”!

Thanks for everything: for all the good moments, laughs, the nice evening, the night, the train trip, the walk in the city and thanks for showing me the Rabbit in Utrecht (Andrea, this is special for you)! Thanks for the nice party and in one word (ok... from me is never just one), thanks for spending all this time with me! =) Thanks for remembering my day! Now I want balloons in the sky! I want bells ringing! I want the sun shining!

I must say, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! And I want to repeat all of this on Wednesday (right Zé???)!


For me....

There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you

Come on now

Let's all celebrate and have a good time
We gonna celebrate and have a good time

It's time to come together
It's up to you, what's your pleasure

Everyone around the world
Come on!

Yahoo! It's a celebration

Celebrate good times, come on!
It's a celebration
Celebrate good times, come on!
Let's celebrate

We're gonna have a good time tonight
Let's celebrate, it's all right
We're gonna have a good time tonight
Let's celebrate, it's all right


We're gonna have a good time tonight (Ce-le-bra-tion)
Let's celebrate, it's all right
We're gonna have a good time tonight (Ce-le-bra-tion)
Let's celebrate, it's all right


Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on!
It's a celebration!
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)

(ad lib)

Come on and celebrate, good times, tonight (Celebrate good times, come on!)
'Cause everything's gonna be all right
Let's celebrate (Celebrate good times, come on)
(Let's celebrate

18 August 2007

It's more or less like this..

17 August 2007


Aninha, agora que falaste no Grupo Maravilha.... Tenho de vos dedicar algo! Aqui fica a minha contribuição para alegrar os vossos momentos de tédio! =D

Ninguém se atreva a dizer que o puto é careca, ou que tem a cabeça grande. O Ruca é um herói! E se não fosse ele ainda estaríamos a fazer o projecto...

16 August 2007

This is me

Quem me conseguir ver aqui diga "EU"!

Encanto Afortunado =)

Pois é! Hoje recebi o mail mais puro e genuíno de sempre! Escrito por um Holandês que adoro....Por norma eu sou conhecida por "Lucky Charm", e quem não sem lembra desses belos cereais? lol Bem, a única coisa gira aqui é que hoje fui intitulada de "Encanto Afortunado" =) é um português algo estranho mas super giro!! =D Estou feliz.. no auge do meu dia! E tenho que dizer: Niels, és o maior! Adoro o teu mail! E também gosto muito de ti My Lucky Charm! ;)

15 August 2007

A temperatura sobe....

... e eis que o meu cérebro começa a funcionar e a ter ideias estupidamente quentes e brilhantes! Descobri o problema dos meus resultados.. Está tudo relacionado com a semana em que o ar condicionado da sala onde fiz as minhas experiências avariou!!!

Quem é que tem esperto nos cabeça? Quem é? Quem é? Ah pois é!!!!! Até se me está a dar os calores.....

Su, esta é em nossa honra!

14 August 2007


Encontrei este livro na net... ele existe mesmo e pode-se fazer o download online! Espero que seja útil a muito boa gente que para aqui anda!

Let's do it!!

Who wants to join? Behind the computer we cannot discover the meaning of anything!

13 August 2007


12 August 2007

A Su nas Holandias...

Quando o tempo é pouco, as imagens valem mais que as palavras. Resuminho da estadia da Su:

Locais visitados: Amersfoort, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Delft, Den Haag, Scheveining, Amsterdam, Wageningen (claro está)!

As imagens retratam grande parte da aventura e regresso à infância! Contámos ainda com a presença dos meus amigos Polacos: Aneta e Daniel! "Green Team.... Blue Team... This is so Nice!!!!!"

Lista de Agradecimentos: C1000 pela comidinha que nos permitiu saciar a larica; Pais Brito pelos cartões de Rotterdam e mapas fornecidos; amigos pelos copos e pelos bons momentos de diversão; Aneta e Daniel pela companhia e pelo riso que foi viajar com eles; ao São Pedro pelo bom tempo; à NS por nos levar a todo o lado da Holanda; à Minolta, Canon e Sony por permitir tirar tantas e tão boas fotografias; e à Su por me ter vindo visitar (fica aqui incluido o agradecimento à Sterling!)

O que se comeu aqui nas Holandias?
  • bacalhau riberalves assado no forno com batata, azeitinho, cebolinha e afins
  • esparguete à Bolonhesa com tomate verdadeiro
  • frango no forno com arroz de cenoura e bolo de maçã (receita Polaca)
  • waffers com chocolate
  • patat frites (met mayo en ketchup)
  • appelflappen
  • appel taart
  • stroopwafels
  • speculaas
  • palm special, heineken, amstel e companhia